Carnarc Point North Cardinal buoy
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A lit navigation buoy to mark the extended shoal north of Carnarc Point has been established. Location description: Carnarc Point North Cardinal buoy Latitude: 57° 29.886' North (WGS...Full Story
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A lit navigation buoy to mark the extended shoal north of Carnarc Point has been established. Location description: Carnarc Point North Cardinal buoy Latitude: 57° 29.886' North (WGS...Posted on
Following the recent breach Scottish Canals can confirm that the Caledonian Canal will be fully open to all sea to sea traffic at Aberchalder from 08.30am on Thursday 30th April. In addition, Scottis...Posted on
Caledonian Canal breach at Cullochy WeirUnusually high water levels on Loch Oich, as a result of heavy rains and snow melt, have significantly undermined the weir at Cullochy (approximately six miles ...